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The Baby Name Wizard
Hispanic & Spanish Names

Find the perfect name to reflect your Hispanic and/or Spanish heritage within these books!

Como Te Llamas, Baby?/the Hispanic Baby Name Book: The Hispanic Baby Name Book
(Our Recommendation)
This book offers many traditional and contemporary name choices to parents seeking the perfect Hispanic name. Religious names, family names and names of famous persons of Hispanic descent are found.

Nombres exóticos para bebé
An excellent resource for Spanish names.

El mejor nombre para tu bebé
Find the best name for your new baby in this book written for Spanish speakers.

Nombres Para El Bebe
Another great book for Spanish speaking parents seeking the right name for their baby.

Nombres Famosos Para Tu Bebe
Vale la pena pensar muy bien en el nomnre de su bebita, y aqui tiene unos preciosos.

Copyright 2004 The Baby Name Wizard